warning : ......... invincible threat



█ DISCLAIMER : The Tantalus lore is not my creation and instead found here. The affiliates of the Tantalus verse are found here. In short: I am but a humble fan and Lenee is a genius. ♡█ BRIEF SUMMARY : The Tantalus Program is born to exploit the expression of a rare genetic anomaly found first in a cancer patient in 2102 which seems to prove itself to be the next step of human evolution, giving its carriers specialised neurological and cognitive capabilities and increasing their physical performance. By the end of the 2200s, several research facilities spawn internationally and recruit carriers of the anomaly gene, often funded by the wealthy elite hoping to gain access to exceptional mercenaries for their own, selfish purposes. With this verse, I introduce two new players: the Cabal and Arctic Biosystems, thus a shadow government investing into the Tantalus Program and a research facility belonging to the Tantalus Program.


important players : Raymond Reddington (antagonist), Tom Keen (antagonist), Scottie Hargrave (antagonist), Bill McCready (Cabal operative), Nathan Wuornos (recruit), Peter Bishop (recruit), Olivia Dunham (recruit)A shadow governement with unknown members and an equally as unknown structure, able to cause wars globally and destroy entire governement. It has both the motivation and the resources to fund further research within the Tantalus Program, doing so of course at the cost of some of their most resistent recruits, all following a similar pattern of genetic characteristics. Among them are PETER BISHOP and OLIVIA DUNHAM, paired in childhood once research showed that their telekinetic abilities were complementing each other. Apart, both suffer from significant symptoms of Depersonalisation-Derealisation Disorder and inability to control emotional outbursts, making them a threat to public when isolated from their counterpart. Another recruit bought by Cabal operatives, most noteworthy BILL MCCREADY alias "The Major", a well-known but elusive blackmarket contractor, is NATHAN WUORNOS. Similarly born with the anomaly gene, he possesses the ability to manipulate sensations (not objects) without touch while being unable to perceive any sensations himself. The wounds he causes are non-physical but able to kill, and thus nearly impossibly evidenced, making him a particularly invisible killer.Several attempts were made in dismantling the Cabal long before it began dabbling in the purchase of homoproximus. RAYMOND REDDINGTON, part of the blackmarket himself, represents a not insignificant opponent of the shadow government despite his motivation remaining unclear. SCOTTIE HARGRAVE, leader of a private intelligence firm, joins the fight to deracinate the Cabal when her two sons are kidnapped and everything points to the Tantalus Program. THOMAS KEEN, born Christopher Hargrave, escapes barely so. His gene expresses only at moderate levels, allowing him to force actions through persuasion and telepathic manipulation. But before he can find out the truth about his origins or even attempt to dismantle the Program, he is targeted by another research facility: Arctic Biosystems.


important players : Hiroshi Hatake (AB operative), Sarah Jordan (antagonist / recruit), Moa Zhao (antagonist), Phillip Broyles (antagonist / recruit)Artic Biosystems is an offshoot of the Tantalus Program, focusing less on the recruitment and training of homoproximus, and more on increasing genetic expression on the carriers of the anomaly gene as well as targeted gene therapy to force directed human evolution. HIROSHI HATAKE, head of the facility located in the arctic, carries the gene himself. Seemingly driven into fanaticism by genetic predisposition, his determination is based entirely upon blackmail. The gene is inheritable and he knows his daughter carries it: under the threat of forcing her to undergo inbreeding via IVF, he agrees to increase gene expression by whatever means necessary in hopes of sparing his daughter the reproductive exploitation and -abuse. But the research is not without risks: when vector used to transmit specific activators instead causes damage to the nervous system and significantly increases the test subjects' aggression, a specialised team is sent to contain the outbreak. Among them are MOA ZHAO, virologist and leader of an international counter-terrorist unit, as well as PHILLIP BROYLES, a colonel in the military.But when news break about Hatake's failure at the research facility and the involvement of the military, Hatake is given only two options: make it work, or watch your daughter undergo treatment. When he finds out about SARAH JORDAN'S pregnancy, a young and extremely skilled researcher that enters the facility with the rest of Dr Zhao's and Colonel Broyles' team, he adapts the vector in hopes of finding the answer to his questions in the stem cells of a newly developing embryo. The first results are promising: Sarah Jordan develops the ability to influence the temperature around her. But as the days pass, it becomes clear that the embryo is suffering and with its gradual deterioration, her abilities become volatile and dangerous. She is locked away and her team continuously lied to until the secret becomes that much harder to keep.


updated 04/2024


Conzierge is a literary exploration of the crime and science fiction genre, occasionally featuring supernatural themes and subjects, written and cherished by Lyn (27, she/her). Due to work, this blog will be low activity and plot-based. I prefer being mutuals-exclusive but plotting does not require us to be mutuals already; Discord is available upon request. I am not affiliated with any show, producer, or actor and all of my canon muses are to some extent canon divergent.


How quickly I follow back depends on how busy I am and subsequently, how soon I manage to read your rules. If I follow, it means I want to interact with you so feel free to skip the awkward "Hey :)" and directly come yell at me about your muse! I usually try to reach out as quickly as possible, usually with some basic plot ideas, to make it easier for both of us. I tend to softblock if I no longer see any potential for interactions between our muses or if there has been no attempt at communicating with me since the initial follow. That doesn't mean you can't refollow me or reach out to me about plots in the future! Interests change, writing styles change, etc. I usually do not hardblock, but I realise some people prefer hardblocking over softblocking and you absolutely can hardblock me for any reason at all!


Due to the nature of subjects I write, I will not tag general mentions of violence and death. If graphically described, I will tag the content with [trigger] cw / and you're free to tell me what to tag via ask without me posting it publicly. Content that is not safe for work is tagged as nsft / and I ask you to please tag pregnancy for me ( pregnancy / suffices! ) I also very, very seldom ever write any threads related to pregnancy, please be aware that any in-depth exploration of pregnancy requires lots of plotting and I need to be extremely comfortable with you. Further topics that I will not explore are graphic sexual assault and incest. If you write those, please tag them for me so I can avoid them on the dashboard! Mentions of it are fine if you've brought it up ooc before.


I use small text with three spaces after each sentence and can go completely icon-free if you prefer that. What you do with your posts is totally up to you and if you want me to alter my formatting to make it more readable, I will gladly do so! I also love to overuse the semicolon, call it a bad rp habit.


I love exploring different kinds of relationships and I love character growth as dynamics change and develop! Some of my characters are extremely easy to ship with, others require a little more plotting beforehand. But whatever character you pick, I am always open to discussing potential friendships, romances (past or present), antagonistic dynamics, etc. I also enjoy sharing the same mutuals and the same "friend groups" in character, and building entire group verses based on those. Furthermore and perhaps most important: I enjoy writing angst. I enjoy stressing my characters out and figuring out how they react to it. And if you like slow-burn anythings or mutual pining, I'm the right person to talk to.


In case it needs saying: I love them. I started with writing original characters and I still find myself drawn to writing original characters. I know there's a bias, particularly towards female original characters, and I love them and will more than likely integrate you into my "canon" if you want that kind of in-depth plotting! I'm also always open to original characters that are in one way or another related to any of my canon characters. Just make sure you come nudge me ooc first to tell me more about your muse.

█ MEMES...

Memes are taken as prompts for starters and the response placed in a new text post to make the transformation of the meme into a thread easier. They are intended for responding but you obviously don't have the obligation to respond to them. I consider them read when you give them a little heart. Neither romantic nor smut-based prompts require former plotting, but if you have something very specific in mind about where that meme should be headed, feel free to pop into my askbox or IMs to tell me about it!


Last but not least, I am both of age and enjoy writing erotica from time to time. I will not under any circumstances write smut with anyone below the age of eighteen and feel most comfortable with those above the age of twenty-one. If we have never talked ooc before and you send in a smut meme, I likely will come message you to discuss basic ideas about how our muses would interact in a sexual setting (unless you have very specific nsfw headcanons on your blog already). I prefer to keep all of my muses dominant, with dominant x dominant pairings being more than welcome. And I'm more than fine with fading to black at any given moment for any reason whatsoever.

what if he's guilty?


― all muses are adjustable for historic, crime, fantasy, and scifi settings; ―
all bios are currently under construction. you can request any muses from mentioned fandoms below even if they're not on the list.

updated 04/2024


the blacklist · john wick · designated survivor
a study in corrupt government agencies,
organised crime, unsolved murder, and trauma

MOA ZHAO special agent in charge, counter terrorist unit. bisexual. 40s. portrayed by elodie yung. primaryRAYMOND REDDINGTON concierge of crime, head of a syndicate. bisexual. 60s. portrayed by james spader. primaryCHRISTOPHER PHELPS halcyon aegis operative, assassin and spy. closeted bisexual. 30s. portrayed by andreas pietschmann. primaryNATHAN WUORNOS police chief, haven. 30s. portrayed by lucas bryant. tertiaryTOM KIRKMAN president of the united states, designated surivor. heterosexual. 50s. portrayed by kiefer sutherland. primary


fringe · helix · x-files
a study in human experimentation, genetic modification,
missing children, and reconnecting with nature

PETER BISHOP informant, telekinetic complementation. heterosexual. 30s. portrayed by joshua jackson. primaryHIROSHI HATAKE head of arctic biosystems, member of illaria corp. heterosexual. 40s. portrayed by hiroyuki sanada. secondary


star trek · stargate · travelers
a study in space exploration, genocides,
war, and attempted diplomacy

KATHRYN JANEWAY captain of the uss voyager, later admiral. bisexual. 40s. portrayed by kate mulgrew. tertiary


the dune universe · star wars
a study in religious fanatism, immortality against will,
forced fate, and repeated, bloody sacrifices

GURNEY HALLECK warmaster of house atreides, smuggler on arrakis. heterosexaul. 60s. portrayed by duncan lacroix. secondaryPAUL ATREIDES the mentat emperor, kwisatz haderach. bisexual. 20s. portrayed by timothée chalemet. secondaryLETO ATREIDES II[god-emperor of arrakis. work in progress. request



Birth name. Thomas "Tom" Adam Kirkman
Alias. Codename "Phoenix", formerly "Glasses"
Citizenship. American
Date of Birth. 12/20/1967
Hair Color. brown
Eye Color. brown
Height. 5'7''
Faceclaim. Kiefer Sutherland
Relationship status. verse-dependent
Sexuality. heterosexual
Occupation. (Vice) President of the United States of America, formerly Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Children. Leo and Penny Kirkman
Significant other. Alex Kirkman, deceased
Siblings. Trey Kirkman, Sasha Booker
Strengths. Loyal, compassionate, independent
Weaknesses. Idealistic, ardently centrist, disillusioned
Fears. not living up to expectations


Backstory under construction. Formerly an urban planner who took the position as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development after his wife Alex pushed him to do so. Becomes POTUS when a terrorist attack kills every person present at the State of the Union address and he's the only designated survivor left alive. Remains centrist throughout his presidency which is both his biggest strength and weakness. When his wife dies during a car crash, he's left to juggle the trauma he refuses to address even with obligatory therapy, being a father to his teenage son and young daughter, and the responsibility of being President of the United States.


Following the first season of the show up until the presidential election, where Tom chooses not to run for president and instead Fitz Grant becomes president. Alex still dies in a car accident but whether it truly was just an accident is never investigated; Tom becomes vice president when Mellie Grant wins the election and becomes 45th President of the United States. The entirety of this verse is ship exclusive with @foxtaeil. <3



Name. Susan "Scott" Hargrave
Birth name. Susan Margarete Faulkner
Alias. Scottie Hargrave
Citizenship. American
Date of Birth. 03/23/1965
Hair Color. dark brown
Eye Color. brown
Height. 5'11''
Faceclaim. Famke Janssen
Relationship status. divorced
Sexuality. heterosexual
Occupation. Private Intelligence Contractor (Halcyon Aegis)
Parents. Scott and Lilian Faulkner, deceased
Children. Christopher Hargrave, Jacob Hargrave
Significant other. Howard Hargrave, deceased
Strengths. Charismatic, intelligent, goal-driven
Weaknesses. Dishonest, unempathetic, controlling
Fears. being abandoned by her sons


SOME CHILDREN ARE WANTED UNTIL THEY'RE BORN. Lilian Faulkner always wanted a child despite her husband's disinterest in becoming a father. The result was a daughter, named after her late mother: Susan. Susan grew up in a wealthy but very traditional household. Her upbringing was defined by strenuous Bible study and criticism, mostly surrounding her "unemotional" and "mannish" nature. Her parents both would frequently punish her for not meeting their expectations, but however strict the punishment got, it didn't seem to change their daughter's behaviour. She was clever and did well in school, but her extracurricular activities simply didn't match. Therapy or any type of psychological assessment was no option and so, her misbehaviour and immaturity never was understood as early signs of an antisocial personality disorder.Instead, Susan became "Scottie": the reflection of her emotionally distant and aggressive father, and subsequently the opposite of the daughter her mother had wanted: cruel, remorseless, calculating. When Scottie was fifteen, her parents divorced. Going to a Christian boarding school made ignoring the divorce easier, and once graduated, Scottie cut all ties with her parents.Her relationship with Howard Hagrave was a whirlwind romance. But despite the accusations hurled her way, it was love. Howard accepted her as the woman she was and never made her feel bad about her shortcomings. The pair seemingly complemented each other: Howard pushed her to become even more calculating and goal-driven. Together, it seemed they could take on the world. And however loud the claims of her only being with him for his money got, he never thought so. She felt like home in his arms, like she could move mountains and lead legions. He inspired her, nourished her. That he was a narcissist, she noticed only later on.When Scottie fell pregnant with her first child, there was a stigma attached. Again, there were accusations: about how she only became pregnant to force Howard into a marriage, about how her relationship was failing, about how she'd never be a good mother. Howard reassured her that he didn't believe any of the rumours and six months after their wedding, Christopher Hagrave was born. Two years later, Jacob joined their small family. For a couple of years afterwards, the Hargraves lived the perfect life.Until they weren't.Christopher and Jacob were under her supervision when they were abducted, despite what the public was made to believe. When she told Howard, he held her and he never blamed her. With both of their resources, it was obvious back then that it must have been a kidnapping for ransom. But when the demand for money never was made and local police found her boys' clothes, that hope dwindled.

Years later, Richard Game would admit to murdering Christopher and Jacob Hargrave and the press moved on. That Scottie never believed her boys were dead was dismissed as a typical mother's hysteria and inability to deal with her grief. A few years after her boys' death, Scottie Hargraves attempted suicide.The reinstallment of the abandoned Artax Network and Halcyon Aegis were founded under the co-leadership of the Hargraves. For Scottie, the main purpose was always to find her sons. But Howard had different goals. In an attempt to get rid of her, he faked his own death and hired Thomas Keen, of whom he knew by then that he was his long lost son Christopher, to infiltrate Halcyon Aegis. The premise was that he was the true victim and Scottie the ruthless, irrational woman the public already expected her to be: a liar and unemotional mother who had moved on quickly after the loss of her children and stopped searching. Christopher believed him and sold her out, only to find out after Scottie had been taken into custody that Howard's true motive was taking control over Halcyon Aegis and connecting it to a supercomputer that would allow him to transform the private intelligence firm to become one of the most dangerous, military weapons in private hand. With that knowledge, Christopher testified against Howard in court and Scottie was acquitted.In the present, Scottie has returned to leading Halcyon Aegis and turned the plans for the supercomputer in to the government. In the case of her death, all of Halcyon Aegis and her wealth will be inherited by Christopher and Jacob Hargrave.


Scottie Hargraves works as the director of Halcyon Aegis, publicly known as a private security company that is in truth a private intelligence firm operating globally. After the death of her husband and the reunion with her son(s), Scottie continues her work until her retirement. Halcyon Aegis becomes directly involved in the fall of the Cabal, following an arc plotted with nuseven's rendition of Jacob Phelps. In any way, interactions with Scottie require a minimum of plotting to ensure my portrayal of her. She works with the US government but has facilities all across the world and is mainly hired by private individuals: do with that what you will, she has little qualms about working with questionable individuals as long as no children or civilians are harmed.



Birth name. unknown
Alias. Raymond Reddington, the Concierge of Crime N-13
Citizenship. American
Date of Birth. 02/07/1960
Hair Color. light brown turned grey
Eye Color. green
Height. 5'10''
Faceclaim. James Spader
Relationship status. verse-dependent
Sexuality. bisexual
Occupation. Skiptracer, FBI informant, member and head of the Raymond Reddington Syndicate
Parents. unknown, deceased
Children. Elizabeth Keen, Jennifer Reddington, Dembe Zuma (akin to foster son)
Significant other. Katarina Rostova (former), Carla Reddington / Naomi Hyland (former)
Strengths. Powerful, charismatic, determined
Weaknesses. Dishonest, manipulative, selfish
Fears. loneliness, failure


RAYMOND REDDINGTON IS THE NATURAL CONSEQUENCE OF MANY DISASTERS. He's highly intelligent and highly driven, and not much is known about his background or his upbringing. At age twenty-four, he graduates from the United States Naval Academy at the top of his class and is groomed for Admiral just six years later in 1990. In the same year, he disappears while on his way to his family during Christmas. His family is found dead, and he resurfaces years later, selling classified information to the enemy and subsequently charged with treason. Over the next twenty years, Reddington builds a syndicate of spies, thieves, smugglers, drug traffickers, people smugglers, human traffickers, arms traffickers, counterfeiters, forgers, hackers, mercenaries, and assassins. Throughout those years only few people emerge as truly loyal friends, among them Mr. Kaplan, his well-trusted cleaner and close advisory, and Dembe Zuma, his personal bodyguard and former victim of human trafficking.Raymond Reddington begins as a loyal Marine and becomes one of the most powerful and most searched for criminals in the United States and overseas. In September 2013, he enters the FBI building in Washington, DC, and surrenders to the Federal Bureau of Investigations with the aim of talking to Elizabeth Keen. In the next years, he aids in the imprisonment and elimination of high-ranking criminals for his own benefit.

CANON DIVERGENCE. I am taking the liberty to write Raymond Reddington as the actual Raymond Reddington, portraying him according to one particular theory of his identity best described in this reddit analysis and this addition about the bones in the suitcase that lead to the murder of Thomas Keen and almost murder of Elizabeth Keen. A masterpost of the fan theories I am following in Reddington's portrayal can be found here. In summary: (1) Reddington's motivation to keep Liz happy is in part due to his love for her as her father and in part due to the guilt for feeling responsible for the seperation of Liz and Katarina. (2) Liz was not born Masha Rostova but given the name Masha as an identity. (3) Dominic Wilkinson raised two girls with the name Katarina (two Katarina theory; Laila's vs Lotte's Katarina theory) that were not aware of each other's presence and only one of them is his biological daughter and Elizabeth's mother. (4) Reddington hides two secrets from Elizabeth: who he was before he became Raymond Reddington and what happened to Katarina and her whereabouts.


Following the storyline of the early Blacklist seasons, Reddington works as an informant for the FBI and aids the finding and prosecution of criminals for selfish purposes.



Birth name. Christopher Hargrave
Alias. Christopher Phelps, Max Dostoyevski, others
Citizenship. American
Date of Birth. 02/21/1985
Hair Color. dark blond
Eye Color. green
Height. 6'0''
Faceclaim. Ryan Eggold
Relationship status. verse-dependent
Sexuality. heterosexual
Occupation. bouncer (cover), mercenary; employer is verse-dependent; default is the governement / counterterrorist unit of Special Agent-in-Charge Moa Zhao
Parents. Howard and Susan Hargrave
Siblings. Jacob Phelps (born Hargrave)
Children. verse-dependent
Significant other verse-dependent
Strengths. Loyal, versatile, responsible
Weaknesses. Dishonest, secretive, manipulative
Fears. Separation from his child(ren)


IN FALL 1991, HOWARD AND SCOTTIE HARGRAVE REPORT THEIR TWO CHILDREN MISSING. Christopher is six and a half and his younger brother Jacob is not even two, and Susan Hargrave is left with a hole in her chest that no therapy and no investigation can seem to fix. Eventually, the search is stopped and the two boys declared dead. Three years later, the Major picks up a young pocket thief from the streets by the name Christopher Phelps and offers him a future at the Norman Borlaug School for Orphaned Children. Christopher agrees under the condition that he can take his five year younger brother with him. For the next years, Christopher and Jacob Phelps are trained to become spies and assassins. The Borlaug has been on the radar of federal and private investigators for decades, always somehow escaping detailed investigations: to the public eye, the Borlaug remains a boarding school that funds the education of orphaned children through generous, private investigators, some of them politicians and others financial moguls. None of them of course discuss the inherent selfishness of their investments, and that the money that funds the education ultimately buys them operatives and skilled mercenaries. Among them, Christopher Phelps.Christopher Phelps is nineteen when he is assigned to a drug cartel in New Mexico for a little over a year, and not even twenty-one when the Major sends him to Russia. Over the next eight years, he collects information about an oligarch named Vsevolod Volochin and reports back to his handler. When he finds out that the entire Volochin empire is built on human trafficking, he makes the mistake of choosing a side: the Volochin empire falls after a mass shooting results in the majority of the oligarch's family dead and Volochin himself imprisoned for trafficking, murder, and high treason. Christopher Phelps, having lived under the name Maksim Dostoyevski, faces similar charges but avoids imprisonment when a former Russian general is alerted to his value as a key witness to several cases linked back to Volochin and makes a deal to get him out.He returns to the United States at age twenty-eight and is put in WitSec. General Zakharchenko he learns is not only a covert operative simultaneously leading a federal counter-terrorist unit but was alerted by one of the Major's other recruits. Within years, he becomes not only an informant to her unit but eventually a full member, and reunites with his brother, now living under the name Tom Keen.

CANON DIVERGENCE: Although obviously based on Christopher Hargrave from NBC's the Blacklist, I at this point consider Christopher and Jacob Phelps original characters based on whatever late-night shenanigans I discuss with my better half @kheen. The main focus of any threads with Christopher will focus on one of the following: 1) the search for Howard and Susan Hargrave and the subsequent inheritance of Halcyon Aegis, 2) the infiltration of and fight against the Cabal together with Raymond Reddington, and 3) the trauma he endured at the hands of not only the Major but Maverick Lowe, based on The Fall of The Cabal, a shared universe with @kheen, @eydetik, and @wigant.


The verses separate largely into whether you want to go with this updated version of Christopher Phelps or indeed want me to write him as Tom Keen, husband of Elizabeth Keen (in which case Christopher and not Jacob was assigned to keep an eye on her).#__ Arc: The Fall of The Cabal. Follows his updated biography. Max Dostoyevski works as an informant and later special agent for the ACO under the leadership of Senior Agent Moa Zhao and is married to Emily Rhodes with whom he expects a child. Jacob Phelps has fallen in love with Elizabeth Milhoan and proposed to her as Tom Keen, going against Reddington's orders. And Dima Weigand, sleeper agent for the Russian Intelligence Service, has found Jack Rhodes alive and working for the Cabal against his will. Closed shipping with @eydetik.#Arc: The Fall of The Cabal II.__ See above but Christopher Phelps never reunited romantically with Emily Rhodes after his return to the US. Open shipping.# Arc: Bed on Fire. In order to protect Liz, Tom fakes his death after being fatally wounded by Ian Garvey. Tom Keen gets a gravestone and is legally dead, so that he can continue protecting Liz and his daughter from the shadows. In this verse, he works for the counterterrorist unit of Special Agent Moa Zhao. Closed shipping with @proifiler.#Arc: Halcyon Aegis. See above, but Elizabeth died at the hands of Ian Garvey, leaving Tom the sole parent to Agnes Samantha Keen. Open shipping.

THOMAS KEEN NEVER WANTED TO BE A MONSTER. But sometimes people aren't given much choice with their destiny. He was born Christopher Hargrave, the only child of Howard and Susan Hargrave and practically heir to Halcyon Aegis, a private intelligence firm dealing with situations that violate official American foreign policy, but on behalf of private clients not the governement and not necessarily always with legal or non-questionable methods. At the age of three, Christopher Hargrave is kidnapped and ends up in foster care under a name that isn't his own but will be forced onto him for the next twenty years. Jacob Phelps. And Jacob Phelps is a problematic child, always pickpocketing and getting into trouble. It isn't that nobody cares, but there are others with more drastic behavioral deficits that require more attention. At the age of fourteen, he is recruited by the Major and trained to become a spy and assassin. He's good at it, maybe it's the fact that he has no home and no family, but Jacob Phelps learns to adapt quickly. Languages, mannerisms, the art of deception: he masters them all. At the age of twenty-three, he catches the attention of Raymond Reddington, a skiptracer and the concierge of crime, and gets assigned a target to keep tabs on: Elizabeth Milhoan. She's intelligent, funny, and quick-witted. His name is now Thomas Keen, he's a primary school teacher, and of course it happens the way it always happens. The assignment crawls underneath his skin and he falls in love with her. When his affection becomes obvious, Reddington fires him. To escape the threat that Reddington now poses, he begins working for Milos Kirkhoff, a colonel in the KGB. He stays with Elizabeth and marries her at the age of twenty-six. It's a happy marriage... until the day Elizabeth Keen begins her work for the FBI.Everything changes when Elizabeth Keen comes into contact with Raymond Reddington and the plot unravels; the Keens wanted to adopt but instead Elizabeth finds out about who Tom Keen is and divorces him. There is a brief reunion and it creates a second marriage and a child, Agnes Samantha Keen, named after her mother's adoptive father who raised her. Till death do us apart, a commonplace phrase: for Tom and Elizabeth Keen, the death that breaks apart their marriage again, comes far too quickly.

CANON DIVERGENCE: Tom Keen does not die after being stabbled in 5x08: Ian Garvey. When interest in a romantic ship is expressed, our interactions will be put in a variation of the main verse where Tom Keen is single. I am exclusive with proifiler's rendition of Elizabeth Keen. Following the plotted universe with nuseven, Tom grew up as Christopher Phelps and with a younger brother named Jacob: both were assets trained by Bill McCready and both were assigned a double identity in order to create the perfect spy, somewhat inspired by the Two-Katarina fan theory. Tom will respond to both Jacob Phelps and Christopher Phelps and deny having a brother. Christopher Maly alias Craig Keen is one of the very few who is aware of his biological brother, the other two people are Bill McCready and Carmen Saldana alias noeleven.


Either widowed or divorced, Tom Keen does anything to navigate single fatherhood and his employment as a mercenary. Default catch-all verse for any interactions if not plotted otherwise. Open shipping.# Arc: Bed on Fire. In order to protect Liz, Tom fakes his death after being fatally wounded by Ian Garvey. Tom Keen gets a gravestone and is legally dead, so that he can continue protecting Liz and his daughter from the shadows. In this verse, he works for the counterterrorist unit of Special Agent Moa Zhao. Default crime setting and closed shipping with @proifiler.Because the assignment to Elizabeth Milhoan is such a central aspect of Tom Keen's portrayal, any storyline featuring not him being (or having been) in a relationship with her but nuseven's Jacob Phelps requires in depth plotting and is usually kept private. The majority of interactions take place after the birth of Agnes Keen, either in Elizabeth's absence or in her presence. Following his recruitment by Milos Kirchoff and his fallout with Bill McCready, he works and later inherits Halcyon Aegis.



Birth name. Willem Henning Grim
Alias. Will, Pim (although exclusively by Moa and his family members, nobody else)
Citizenship. Irish / American, dual
Date of Birth. 08/13/1988
Hair Color. dark brown
Eye Color. blue
Height. 6'0''
Faceclaim. Colin Morgan
Relationship status. married by Izidhorian law, not by American
Sexuality. bisexual
Occupation. Boston police department, intelligence and analysis
Parents. Wolfgang and Maria Grim, deceased
Sisters. Hedda, Maren, Augusta, Ingrid, and Ruth Grim
Brothers. Korbinian and Tristan Grim
Children. Frīa Ikaika Henning Zhao, stillborn
Significant other Moa Zhao and Kua Hale
Strengths. Passionate, determined, deductive
Weaknesses. Nervous, prejudiced, defensive
Fears. Torture / the rediscovery of Atlantis


THE BIOGRAPHY ;SOMETIMES, ONE IS LUCKY AND GROWS UP IN A LOVING HOME. Willem Grim is born the oldest son to Wolfgang and Maria Grim and the third oldest child in total. He remembers his parents only vaguely, with them being high-ranking politicians in Adar Ti' Summa. Even long before their death, his two older sisters Hedda and Maren become his primary mentors. Hedda inherits everything in the possession of the Grim family the day she is born; it is her birth right and subsequently her responsiblity. But no day passes, in which she doesn't look forward to it and he admires it about her like nothing else. She's twelve years older than him, a lifetime or so it seems when he is young. Maren comes second and follows her sister's footsteps as the tradition commands; should something happen to Hedda, she is the one to take on the family legacy. But she has no interest in it and Hedda grants her the wish of being freed from that burden. When Willem is fourteen and Maren is twenty, she takes him to the United States to study architecture. He finishes his education there and momentarily plays with the idea of becoming a historian. But he loses interest in the future it offers; Maren at the time is struggling to feed them both, stubborn as she is and unwilling to request her sister for any financial help. He finishes his undergraduate degree and applies to the police academy. Soon after, he begins working as a criminal investigator in Lafayette, near New Orleans.Willem meets Moa Zhao during a case that requires the cooperation between the local police department and the FBI. He isn't inexperienced and has had his fair share of short-lived relationships, some more promising than others. But something about her makes him uncertain; she holds herself like she carries the weight of time with ease, she speaks as though language itself must not be learned. He knows she notices him staring whenever they're given a break to grab a cup of coffee. He never asks her out. Eventually, when the case is closed and the cooperation no longer necessary, she invites him to dinner. The relationship that is born is based on tight friendship and mutual understanding, particularly after he is made aware of her immortality... and her age. She is open about her relationship to the lawyer Kua Hale, and it doesn't bother him. When he meets him for the first time, a friendship follows quickly.

But it isn't until two years after, that the friendship between him and Kua becomes more intimate, and the open relationship suddenly becomes a shared one. Willem knows Kua doesn't see him the way he does; occasionally he talks about it with Moa, makes jokes about an unrequited infatuation. And then everything changes when he begins talking about proposing. The nights both men share become a little warmer, softer. It's rare that both share a bed without Moa and when they do, it's passionate but not love. Suddenly, it becomes just that.A few weeks after the proposal to Moa Zhao and during an afternoon spent in her garden, Willem Grim plays the guitar while Kua Hale rolls a joint. It's nothing out of the ordinary, nothing they haven't done before. Moa's bare silhouette wanders through the trees and bushes and gathers a small harvest. Kua sits with his chest kissed by the sun and his trousers loosely tossed on. He looks at him, like he's never seen him play guitar like this before. And suddenly it makes sense. Willem Grim proposes to Kua Hale casually, like the question isn't even necessary. The wedding ceremony in Izidhor is traditional and despite expecting no additional effort on Kua's behalf, the lawyer still knows the traditional vows in High Atlantean. And Willem realises that he could not have picked a better friend to share his love for Moa with.


Following the main verse of Moa Zhao, all three live in a big apartment in Boston, with Kua Hale working primarily in New York City. When plotted prior, the relationship suffers a debilitating loss when their daughter Frīa is stillborn, further suggesting that Moa's physiology is not adapted to reproduce. That the child was very likely Willem's and not Kua's doesn't help the marriage and opens old wounds, but time heals. Willem and Kua remain by Moa's side for several centuries to come; alternatively, following the Stargate mythology, Willem is an unascended Lantian and not a nix. Depending on any interest in shipping romantically with Moa, Willem and Kua either were or still are in a relationship with her. Given the open nature of their marriage, I'm open to polyamorous ships or similar. However, while their are verses where I write Moa in monogamous relationships, this is not the case for Willem or Kua.



Birth name. Kua Ikaika Hale
Alias. Key
Citizenship. Samoan-American
Date of Birth. 01/05/1953
Hair Color. dark brown
Eye Color. hazel
Height. 6'2''
Faceclaim. Keanu Reeves
Relationship status. married
Sexuality. bisexual
Occupation. Defense lawyer, occasionally guest lecturer in Criminal law
Parents. Connor and Leilani Hale
Sisters. Mila and Aleka Hale
Brothers. Logan and Kulani Hale
Children. Hugo and Delfine Grigori; Frīa Ikaika Henning Zhao, stillborn
Significant other Madeleine Grigori, formerly; Moa Zhao and Willem Grim
Strengths. Confident, intelligent, observant
Weaknesses. Untrusting, arrogant, demanding
Fears. the death of Moa Zhao


SOME PEOPLE ARE MEANT TO BREAK HEARTS. Kua Hale's childhood is defined by too much responsibility at a too young age. The marriage of his parents is unhappy and although his father never hits his mother, it is apparent that there is no love, either. He is the oldest of five children and subsequently helps his mother raise his siblings despite the fact that he is a child himself. He knows he wasn't wanted: when he is born, his parents are young and just recently married. His father claims to be a devout Catholic, but whenever he sees his mother, it becomes clear that Connor Hale isn't half as devout as Leilani. Leilani wants a child to fill the gaping hole in her chest and to save the marriage that begins to crumble already five months after the wedding. Connor disappears for almost two weeks after she announces the pregnancy. He just wanted someone to bring a little colour into his life. Later, Kua realises that "a little colour" was just a euphemism for an exotic woman. Leilani knows it, too. Kua Hale is five years old when his first brother Logan is born and twelve when his youngest sister Aleka is. The seven years in between are the only ones where it seems like Leilani is happy. After Aleka begins to crawl, so does Leilani's depression.He wants nothing else half as much as leaving his home and going far, far away. When he is sixteen, a new neighbour arrives in Fagamalo. Moa; she's fourteen years older than him, and he watches her climb the trees and grow crops in her garden. It's the first time he ever truly falls in love. But it's a love that isn't meant to be, of course, with that gaping difference in age. He's a child in her eyes and to him, she is something akin to a god. Every day, he spends helping her out in the garden. She tells him about the war in Vietnam. On the day that she announces her departure back home, he admits his feelings and begs for just one kiss. He's nineteen, nobody else has come close to catching his interest. She smiles at him the way a teacher smiles at a miserable student, then she kisses his cheek.He tries to forget her, but never does. Four years after her departure, the curse of his parents resurges: Madeleine Grigori, the daughter of a French visionary born in Haiti, becomes pregnant after a meaningless night. He marries her before the child is born and, for the first few years, makes himself believe that he loves her and that he is happy with the life they built on Hanalei. ( Now with two children, son Hugo and daughter Delfine. ) It's not quite as bad as the marriage of his parents used to be. Madeleine shares his interest in law and becomes a successful judge after finishing her education. He admires her, enjoys her company, and raises his children with her. But he doesn't love her. Shortly after Delfine turns one year old, he catches a glimpse of a familiar figure tending to a garden in a house near the shore. He knows it's her. Seven years might have passed, but he knows her features as if he had last seen them yesterday; and she has not changed, nothing about her except perhaps her clothes. He makes a mistake, one that he should regret, but he doesn't. Days and nights pass during which he cannot think about anything else but to knock on her door, and then he does. She smiles at him. He kisses her.

For six years, he entertains an affair with her and then his wife files for divorce. Madeleine Grigori knew of his infidelity. In her nativity, she hoped that it would pass, and he would return to her, refreshed, ready to start anew. But he doesn't. Every day she wakes up to him being an immaculate father and every day, the jealousy she feels when he plays with the children, grows heavier. He agrees to granting her sole custody but supporting her and the children however she wants him, too. Even then, he proves himself to be a wonderful father. And she again thinks about how unfair it is, that he loves them so much and her so little.Heartbreak. Once it wakes, it is hard to put back to sleep. The relationship to Moa Zhao after the divorce from Madeleine Grigori is difficult. Like a fire, it consumes him, burns him, and spits him out covered in coal. She is a god. Loves like one, gives his life a purpose like one. But he's just human. After both marry in Vegas, drunk and feverish, neither talks about the marriage ever again. He wears his ring but, when asked, never elaborates on whether it still belongs to Madeleine or someone new. Years pass until the relationship finally has a foundation and both keep it open, given the circumstances of living apart and enjoying the freedoms of non-monogamy. In 2016, Moa Zhao pursues a relationship with a police officer she met on a case in Lafayette, Louisiana. Both Kua Hale and Willem Grim eventually become good friends and although Kua notices the way the dynamic slowly but surely shifts, it isn't until just a few months prior to Willem proposing to Moa in early 2020, that he assigns any meaningful value to the occasional threesomes all three of them share. During midwinter 2020, the wedding ceremony takes place in Willem's home colony, Izidhor. Kua Hale is the first human to enter the Nix colony in several centuries and by Izidhorian law, the three of them are married. Although all three keep their names and the marriage is not legal outside of Izidhor's borders, occasionally both Kua and Willem refer to themselves as Mr Zhao.


Following the main verse of Moa Zhao, all three live in a big apartment in Boston, with Kua Hale working primarily in New York City. When plotted prior, the relationship suffers a debilitating loss when their daughter Frīa is stillborn, further suggesting that Moa's physiology is not adapted to reproduce. That the child was very likely Willem's and not Kua's doesn't help the marriage and opens old wounds, but time heals. Willem and Kua remain by Moa's side for several centuries to come; alternatively, following the Stargate mythology, Willem is an unascended Lantian and not a nix. Depending on any interest in shipping romantically with Moa, Willem and Kua either were or still are in a relationship with her. Given the open nature of their marriage, I'm open to polyamorous ships or similar. However, while their are verses where I write Moa in monogamous relationships, this is not the case for Willem or Kua.



Birth name. Markus Blohm
Alias. Mark, Marc Jacobs
Citizenship. German
Date of Birth. 02/14/1981
Hair Color. dark blond
Eye Color. green
Height. 6'2''
Faceclaim. Josh Holloway
Relationship status. single
Sexuality. heterosexual
Occupation. Asset- and investment management
Parents. Harald and Birgit Blohm
Sister. Emmelie Blohm, deceased
Brother. Jonas Blohm
Strengths. Persuasive, confident, family-oriented
Weaknesses. Risk-taking, dishonest, promiscuous
Fears. losing his brother


MONEY CAN'T BUY YOU HAPPINESS, BUT IT DOES BRING YOU A MORE PLEASANT FORM OF MISERY. Markus Blohm grew up in East Germany as the older one of two siblings. He had a sister, called Emmelie. She was two years younger than him, her hair was red, and her eyes had the same shade of green. Just a few months before the fall of the Berlin Wall, she fell sick. They couldn't lower her temperature, couldn't do anything for her, and she died. Jonas was born nearly two decades later; his parents never divorced, always considered marriage sacred and unimpeachable, but they separated. Markus had never liked his father that much, not because he was an inherently bad person but because he failed to show his love for anyone but himself and was, even in other aspects of his life, sickeningly selfish. He couldn't tolerate his wife mourning, and Markus' mother in return couldn't tolerate his callousness. With the new emigration policy coming into effect, she took Markus and left him. Markus learned by coincidence that his father had found a new woman, and that this new woman was significantly younger than him. He never sought out contact with him, and certainly not with regard to why he'd chosen someone closer to his son's age than his own. But when Jonas was born, Markus knew that had to take on responsibility. He was nineteen and enrolled in university, and his mother was happy.A handful of years down the line, Markus' father got sick of what he called his girlfriend's “obnoxious entitlement”. The girlfriend, Markus later found out, merely had asked him to divorce his former wife and to marry her because she felt dirty and like a disgusting, little secret that he kept between his sheets but never acknowledged publicly. Markus would have hardly called it “entitlement” and his mother, upon being asked about it, even would have agreed to the divorce ― even if she thought his new marriage would not be an ounce better than his last. So Markus' father left his girlfriend. Jonas was suddenly a child without a father, and his mother was devastated.

She couldn't finance a child on her own, could hardly pay for rent. Eventually, she made the tough decision to let Jonas live with Markus and his mother, just so she could focus on work and ensuring a future for her son. When Jonas turned fifteen, he returned to his mother. Markus and him were inseparable in many ways, but Markus was thirty-four and had not been living with his mother for quite a long time. It was the best for all of them and, certainly, the best for Jonas.After Markus graduated from the Free University of Berlin with a diploma in economics, he chose to move to the United States. Occasionally, he made jokes about the appeal of the American Dream. But the truth was, he had grown up in a dysfunctional family with little financial resources, and he wanted a better life for his brother. He had to learn the ruthless rules of the game and adjusted his presentation accordingly: the family man turned into a wealthy playboy who knew absolutely everything about the stock market and was never found in bed with the same woman twice. He would mention having a brother occasionally, but it was pretty clear that he wasn't the man to settle or to marry. At least not, when all one wanted was a perfect, fairytale dream. A farce that kept him in the right social circles, but at a cost.


Markus works as a financial advisor and personal consultant to several big bugs; he just wants to give his younger brother the best life he can live, and sometimes that includes taking job offers that are questionable and barely legal. He's the main consultant to Moa Zhao in any finance-related questions, and perhaps the only person alive truly aware of her wealth.



Birth name. Maren Fredericke Grim
Alias. Mari (only by family)
Citizenship. German
Date of Birth. 03/12/1983
Hair Color. dark brown
Eye Color. blue
Height. 5'9''
Faceclaim. Caitriona Balfe
Relationship status. engaged
Sexuality. heterosexual
Occupation. Architect, revivalism
Parents. Wolfgang and Maria Grim, deceased
Sisters. Hedda, Augusta, Ingrid, and Ruth Grim
Brothers. Willem, Korbinian, and Tristan Grim
Children. Hanno and Thilde Grim
Significant other. Jamal Shamoun
Strengths. Kind, determined, confident
Weaknesses. Risk-taking, demanding, strict
Fears. Being a bad mother


MAREN GRIM HAS ALWAYS ADMIRED HER OLDER SISTER. She is born as the second oldest of eight siblings, with only Hedda being older and that by seven years. It's fairly obvious from early age on that although traditionally, it is always the oldest daughter that inherits the household, Maren is expected to keep up with her. Life sciences, human language, human economy; she follows Hedda suit in her academic education. And Hedda is a loving sister even if she is strict. The age difference between both girls matters little, whenever Maren needs someone to pick her up again and take the burden off her shoulders, Hedda is always there. And Hedda knows that Maren is not happy with her life in Izidhor. She often sits in the colonies library, surrounded by books for school but with her nose stuck in whatever document detailing human art. She isn't a leader, she's an artist. And Izidhorian art doesn't quench her thirst for what lies beyond the borders. So Hedda supports Maren's decision of leaving the colony. Quite a few nix have done so before her, all scattered across the globe and blending in with the populations that live ashore. It's a difficult task, one that is made a little easier by the founding of a private school near the Königssee in Germany. Established during the Holy Roman Empire and kept away from the public eye ever since, it offers a degree to any nix aiming to leave Izidhor. And Maren leaves.She is twenty and her fourteen-year-old brother Willem comes with her, Hedda wouldn't have been able to separate the young teen from his older sister anyway. Their parents are politicians and rarely home, Hedda is constantly preoccupied taking on her role, and so it's Maren who looks after him and raises him. Now, she does it while studying architecture in the United States. Learning English is easy when the root of English and German are the same and the life on the shore is exciting, new, entirely ovewhelming. While in the university, she meets her first husband and falls in love. It's a whirlwind romance that ends abruptly after the first child. Suddenly, he feels inadequate as a father and wants to see the world. She reassures him, day after day, but when she becomes pregnant again, he leaves. She receives a letter a few weeks later. In it, he writes that he's sorry and that he shouldn't have married her not knowing how unready he would be for everything that marriage entailed. That he understood the consequences of his actions, leaving her highly pregnant, with a small child, and her brother who still lives with them. He apologises again and again and again, but he never comes back.

Willem is nineteen and old enough to live on his own so she returns to Izidhor for a year. Hedda is there for her again but insists that it's what happens when you fall in love with a human. They're reckless, untrustworthy, and have forgotten the meaning of responsibility or having a family. The birth of her first child was fairly easy but this time around, she cannot stop crying. Even when Thilde is finally born and her small son Hanno instinctively wraps his arms around his little sister in his sleep, she still is crying. All those pictures in the books, all the stories about breathtaking craftmanship, and all she is left with are two fatherless children.The year isn't over yet and she meets Jamal Shamoun when he visits and old friend. He's a nix from the Kathk colony near Ad-Dakhla in Western Sahara and within months, he becomes a good friend. Jamal is not married and her situation makes the decision of staying in Izidhor and caring for her children an easy one. She falls in love with him but she knows, also, that she cannot be happy in her home. He visits her often in the United States, sometimes with her children and sometimes without. But nix children are safest back home where they are free to cevelop their abilities without causing havoc or fear. She knows he thinks about marrying her and part of her wants to marry him also, to give him her name and let him become her childrens' official guardian. They talk often and very long; eventually, she gives him the promise of marrying him under the condition that they move back to Kathk. In Izidhor, she's the second heir to the Grim legacy. In Kathk, she's just herself. His wife, his children's mother. He agrees even if it's against the traditon. When the children are old enough to go to primary school, Jamal moves across the sea and joins Maren until they eventually leave the United States for Kathk in 2012, regularly commuting between Jamal's home colony and New York City. In winter 2020, both are present during Willem's wedding.


Works as an architect, specialised in revivalism, on the West Coast of the United States of America. She frequently travels with her children and her fiancé Jamal whenever school and work allows.


― i was supposed to die but when i didn't i became a paradox ―


Birth name. Peter Bishop
Alias. unknown
Citizenship. American
Date of Birth. ?/?/1980
Hair Color. medium brown
Eye Color. grey
Height. 6'1''
Faceclaim. Joshua Jackson
Relationship status. single
Sexuality. heterosexual
Occupation. jack-of-all-trades, FBI civilian consultant
Parents. Walter and Elizabeth Bishop
Children. Henrietta Bishop
Significant other. Olivia Dunham
Strengths. Adaptable, polyglot, loving
Weaknesses. Resentful, erratic, know-all
Fears. Losing his loved ones


IN LATE 1985, WALTER BISHOP LOSES HIS SON TO AN INCURABLE DISEASE. His family has long fractured: he is absent, spends months leading up to his son's death at Harvard conducting research to find a potential cure. He is an eccentric biochemist, his friendship to quantum physicist William Bell results in experimentation that is considered fringe science ― and it is one of those experiments, a window which allows the observer to see into an adjacent universe, that shows Walter his Peter is not the only one on the brink of death. Walternate has the same determination in finding a cure but in the moment of truth, he is distracted: the formula works. But before Walternate can realise this, the reaction concludes and leaves Walternate thinking the approach was flawed. Walter is left with a decision: he can either watch his son die a second, certain death or he can pass over and administer the cure himself. It is a decision that will decide the fate of the universe. The night that Walter passes over, his assistant calls Nina Sharp, a friend and close partner to William Bell, who attempts to pull Walter away from the interdimensional gate he has created. That night, Nina Sharp loses her hand and the thin membrane separating the universes and keeping everything from collapsing, is worn down.Once on the other side of the gate, Walter realises that Nina's attempts resulted in the breaking of the vial. The cure is gone and he knows, he has to save Peter now or watch him die. It is the desperation of a father that leads him into the home of his counterpart. He tells his not-wife that he has found a cure and that he needs to take Peter to the laboratory immediately. She wants to come with him but he persuades her to stay at home, somebody has to look after his not-daughter while they are gone. Reluctantly, Elizabeth agrees. That is the last time she sees her son. The plan was simple: Walter takes Peter back to the gate and to the other side, he administers the cure, and takes him back. But plans cannot always be followed. The ice breaks once Walter and Peter cross over and Walter cannot help his drowning son. Somebody else does, a man without hair. He knows there is little time and with his help, Peter makes it to the lab. Part of Walter knows that he cannot ever talk about what happened. He tries to distract himself from the soaked copy of his son lying on the table and with the medication administered through a drip. He thinks about going home and about sleeping, and then he hears Elizabeth calling for him.Elizabeth could not sleep that night. Walter had not come home and Kathryn had cried in her sleep. Walter had not only neglected his role as a father, he had neglected his role as a husband: Elizabeth had lost her son. Without even Walter to reassure her that she was not falling apart, she could not breathe. Kat sleeps on the ride to Harvard but wakes up the moment that Elizabeth opens the car door. She too wants to see her father, as if seeing him could make sense of any of this. And it does, in a way: because Peter is no longer dead.Walter Bishop makes two detrimental mistakes that night, because the moment that he sees Elizabeth and Elizabeth sees Peter, and Kathryn runs to what she presumes to be her brother, Walter knows that he will not bring him back to his family. It does not mean that he doesn't try.For years, the Cortexiphan trials during which he administers a questionable drug to children in Peter's age, serve to find a way to cross the border without an interdimensional gate. Olivia Dunham is the most skilled test subject. She's a young kid with blonde hair and warm eyes, and she sees what Walter has only been able to see through a carefully crafted window. Her trigger is fear: one night, her abusive step-father runs after her to teach her a lesson and in her crushing terror, she passes over. She's suddenly in a field and curious aircrafts hang in the air ― the next moment she feels her step-father swing his fist right at her face. When she arrives at Harvard the next day, she has a black eye.

The pursuit to trigger Olivia on purpose and observe whether the trespassing into the other universe is controllable, is unethical. Walter knows this, Carla knows this, William keeps out of any moral judgement, and Moa threatens Walter several times throughout the Cortexiphan trials. When the attempts fail and Olivia commits accidental arson instead of passing over, he goes against every principle a father should follow: he sees how close the friendship between his daughter and Olivia becomes and uses it to push Olivia further. Kathryn is given Cortexiphan for this reason, and as an unexpected additional result, the seemingly telepathic bond between her and her brother strengthens.In 1991, an experiment results in the death of several of Walter's and William's assistants, among them Carla Warren. The Cortexiphan trials are abandoned, Walter Bishop is charged with manslaughter and institutionalised. He leaves behind a family that has not seen him properly in years and whom he no longer knows: in his absence and obsession with the Cortexiphan trials, Walter was entirely blind to the overwhelming trauma at home. At the age of eight, one year after being taken from his family and cured of his disease, Peter Bishop attempts to go back home. He does not understand how exactly he got here, just remembers that he fell through the cracks of a frozen lake and almost drowned. He concludes that his home is underneath, at the other side of the ice. Equipped with a heavy stone tied to his torso, he heads out onto the lake and attempts to drown himself. Elizabeth sees him and pulls him out of the water just in time. There is no man without hair this time around. Peter tries to shake her off, she's not his mother and in her eyes, he sees that she knows. Kathryn tries to not see it, but even she is aware. Peter is not who he used to be, there's a stranger in his skin. With the kidnapped child reminding her of her dead son, her daughter who desperately attempts to see him as her brother, and Walter's absence, Elizabeth begins to drink.Alcoholism is an insidious disease. After Walter is institutionalised, Elizabeth takes her children and moves to Allston. Moa becomes a crutch as she spirals further into addiction and deeply rooted depression. Peter is a clever kid but he skips school. At age seventeen, he drops out of high school without her knowledge and one year later, he moves out. Kathryn loses in the span of her young life first her brother, then her father, then her mother, and then her brother again. She moves out soon after him and begins a life in Australia where she meets and gets engaged to Nathan Keen, who dies in a car crash before their wedding. She tells no one about him. While at first, both of the twins keep in tight contact, the years wear them down. The phone calls stop. In 2000 when both Peter and Kathryn are twenty years old, Elizabeth Bishop takes her life. The funeral reunites them for a short moment but Elizabeth's death leaves behind a ghost. Both again go separate ways.Eight years later in 2008, special agent Olivia Dunham seeks out Peter Bishop in Baghdad. He is the only one able to talk to Dr Bishop whose cooperation is crucial to investigate the flight 627 from Hamburg, Germany, to USA where all passengers and crew onboard the plane are killed by an airborne disease. The Bishops reunite as FBI civilian consultants as Agent Dunham is pulled into files concerning The Pattern: unexplained phenomena, also called "Fringe Events", investigated by the Fringe Division led by Special Agent Phillip Broyles and in cooperation with a counterterrorist division led by none other than Special Agent Moa Zhao.


Follows the Fringe canon with two major divergences: Peter Bishop has a twin sister, Kathryn, who undergoes treatment with Cortexiphan together with Olivia Dunham: and Walter and William have a team of four, not three, at Harvard: alongside to Carla Warren, works biochemist Moa Zhao and is involved in the raising of Peter and Kat Bishop as their mother spirals into alcoholism.

some people are just born guilty.


it was as if the empty nights were made for thinking of her


Birth name. unknown
Alias. Moa Liu Iðunn Zhao, Gennadiy Zakharchenko, Famke Wesker, the (Kievan) Rus, others
Citizenship. American, others
Date of Birth. 21/12/1980, allegedly
Hair Color. dark brown
Eye Color. black
Height. 6'0''
Faceclaim. Elodie Yung
Relationship status. verse-dependent
Sexuality. bisexual
Occupation. FBI special agent-in-charge, former KGB operative, member of the Raymond Reddington syndicate
Parents. Nick and An Zhao, deceased
Children. Hamad Jamil Zhao, adopted; Ephraim Salomon, adopted; Frīa Ikaika Henning Zhao, stillborn; Kathryn and Peter Bishop, god-children, @divcrse; Miras Zakharchenko, adopted; all children to some extent verse-dependent.
Strengths. Clear-headed, stoic, goal-oriented
Weaknesses. Arrogant, authoritarian, strict
Fears. Ravens, large fires


Moa Zhao is the equivalent to unlabelled bones in a suitcase: whatever she stands for, it is built on a foundation that does not exist. In 1982, a Chinese immigrant couple living in Irving adopts a two-year-old child from an orphanage in Rouen. Adoption papers and the headstones of An and Nick Zhao at the Pacific View Memorial Part prove this to be true. She accumulates three degrees while working for the Federal Bureau of Investigations until, in 2018, she begins writing her fourth dissertation on genetics and genomics while simultaneously taking on the lead of a black site unit investigating terrorist threats of unexplainable origin. She’s a polyglot and fluent in a dozen of languages, but despite this and her experiences in a leadership position, hardly any of her subordinates claims to know her well. She is charismatic, disciplined, and perceptive: among other FBI agents, she quickly makes herself a name. Outside of work, her life seems a little too calculated. She gets up early to work out, comes home late to an apartment that is significantly larger than one would expect. Her orders come directly from the president and she has friends not just among politicians but influential scientists all across the world. So the question persists: Who is Moa Zhao?Two months after a Viking raid on the coast of West Francia in 867 AD, one of the thrall women dies while giving birth to a daughter. There is no funeral, the child never receives a name, and is raised by the other slaves. Her life is unremarkable: she faces sexual violence at the hands of the ruling count, never reaches her menarche, and after attempting to join the siege of Paris in 885 AD, disappears. Her body is never found.

But some thralls see her silhouette near the forests, like a ghost. Stories about a young shieldmaiden appearing during battles and vanishing thereafter are shared throughout Europe during the Middle Ages but dismissed by historians. The closest someone gets to making a connection is a Russian journalist who traces the Zakharchenko family tree back to before the first world war, every apparent family member part of the military and none ever photographed. But before he can talk about it, he vanishes under mysterious circumstances.The last Zakharchenko is laid to rest in the Lazarevskoe Cemetery in Saint Petersburg, next to his wife Ilyushina Kryuchkova. He outlives her for nine years until he gets shot in 1978. But the coffin is empty, and rumours persist even far into the Cold War that Lieutenant Gennadiy Zakharchenko never fell. After the final dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the rumours die. A ghost remains a ghost, unacknowledged and better not seen. When a new President of the United States is elected in 1993, he is given a file about a special agent that has been serving since late 1979. He is made aware of this for one reason: she cannot die. Gennadiy Zakharchenko is, despite what historical records claim, a woman; and as far as the government of the United States knows, she was born long before 1980. Only the President still knows that name within the country, and swears under oath to never utter it in public. Moa Zhao is a weapon, a relic of the Cold War. Her loyalty is given none other than herself: the only thing that separates her from any other ruthless mercenary is the fact that her murders are permissable in the name of counter-terrorism.


To be updated.

THE BLACKLIST / DEFAULT. Small adjustments are made to dates (begins leading a blacksite unit in 2013 instead) when set in the canon timeline of the Blacklist. Moa Zhao works as a special agent-in-charge, leading a counter-terrorist unit and balancing on a thin line between unlawful and the president's direct orders. Raymond Reddington is one of the only men on American ground who knows about her Russian alias (Gennadiy Zakharchenko, supposedly male) and her former involvement with the KGB through Katarina Rostova. I do not affiliate myself with the hypothesis that Katarina was a covert American operative and whenever mentioning her, will refer to her as born in Russia. Moa is not aware of Reddington being Elizabeth's father, considering that not even Dembe is aware of it: she is however aware of Tom Keen being an alias for Jacob Phelps, and later on: Tom Keen being born as Christopher Hargrave. Her black-site unit has cooperated with Halcyon Aegis prior to Blacklist: Redemption. For a summary of what I base my portrayal of Raymond Reddington on, refer to this reddit analysis and this addition about the bones in the suitcase

STARGATE. When the Stargate Command is born, Moa Zhao is recruited as part of the SG-3, the unit for marine comabt and search and rescue missions. She enters the SGC as a marine and with several convincing qualifications, among them experience in military leadership, degrees in virology and biochemistry, and distinguished polyglotism. Threads within the Stargate verse (whether SG-1 or Atlantis) will be plot dependent and details adjusted as I continue the rewatch. Her medical records are sealed but among the SGC, it's common knowledge that she seems to have an unusual physiology, making her ideal for rescue missions regardless of terrain. She cannot be infected by the Goa'uld, but the extent of her immunity, and in particular her immortality, are not known to the other members of the SGC unless plotted beforehand.

STAR TREK. When humanity finally launches the prototype warp five starship Enterprise NX-01, Moa Zhao begins her career as a Starfleet officer. The relations between Vulcan and Earth improve and in an attempt to learn more about life and find comfort in Vulcan longevity, she begins studying the teachings of Surak when the Kir'Shara is found and returned to the people of Vulcan. She most often is appointed as a tactical officer, with an extensive past of military service and considerable linguistic skills, as well as a degree in exo-virology. By the time the Voyager returns from the delta quadrant, Moa Zhao is just over one-thousand and five-hundred years old. Details of the verse and distict relationships to the crew aboard the starships are plot-dependent, but by default, she has lived on Vulcan for a significant amount of time and considers Vulkhansu a second mother tongue. The main series used for settings are VOY, DS9, and TNG (and the associated movies).

DUNE. There was a place once, called Earth. Long before the Butlerian Jihad. Mankind inherited this place and in its greed and disregard for any other live, destroyed it. Somewhere along the way, mankind created artificial intelligence ― because life had become unbearable and incomprehensible. Man had started with enslaving others and then had begun to enslave itself, and in hopes of finding freedom in a lack of thinking, had created machines to take on the role of man while man could be something different. The Butlerian Jihad forced man to think again, to return to its nature. But not everyone could; mankind divided itself into human and animal. She remembers life before the machines. This is an exploration of a prophecy and failure. She had dreamed of the Kwisatz Haderach, someone who could see what she saw and what her daughters, the Bene Gesserit, could not. Life. Nature. The inception and the closure of humankind. Disclaimer: I am currently reading the third of F. Herbert's books and my portrayal is based on both lore and headcanons, largely adapted in certain areas through a shared univer with @roseguided. The 'canon' lore remains intact: Moa is not human and continuously exists, albeit in different cycles with the most recent cycle being set approximately 800 AD and her current age over 13,000 years old. Most Bene Gesserit teachings initially come from her, including the Gom Jabbar and the teachings required to learn The Voice. She does not consider herself a god but has, among different cultures, been worshipped as one. Additionally, several of the powers associated with the Bene Gesserit ― including The Voice, Sensing the Truth, Petit Perception, and Prescience ― Moa already possesses in the earlier timeline but makes no use of. They are not newly acquired, she has had them since birth.

NEW AMSTERDAM. Following the death of her wife Ilyushina during the cold war, Moa Zhao retires her military career and pursues further research in virology to heal from the trauma. She becomes the head of virology at the New Amsterdam Medical Centre in New York City and, albeit not having the warmest reputation, fully supports Max Goodwin's attempts in revolutionising medicine. Her former life in Russia is known, but not her former involvement with the KGB or extended combat experience. Slight adjustments can be made to this verse to fit it into any other medical-centric show, as well as slightly different timelines, e.g. directly after the first or second world war. The loss of her wife becomes a central aspect of Moa Zhao's portrayal in this verse, subsequently I am particularly interested in exploring her grief and refusal to work as a sniper in the following years, regardless of any military's attempts to get her back into the field.

TANTALUS. Small introduction into the blog-wide Tantalus verse based on Lenee's original lore found here. Agent Zhao's division primarily leads the investigations into Arctic Biosystems before Tantalus is exposed to the public. The division goes rogue after threats of immediate persecution towards its agents, with several acting agents going into hiding, including special agent Phillip Broyles. Eventually, the division consists only of those willing to risk everything to uncover the truth and its headquarters are found in Iceland.

FRINGE. Small adjustments are again made to dates: Moa Zhao worked alongside Walter Bishop and William Bell and was aware of, but did not condone, the child experimentation with Cortexiphan. She knew of Peter's death and the other Peter's kidnapping, and helped raise both Peter and Kathryn Bishop in their father's absence while their mother spiralled further into alcoholism. For a full retelling of Kiwi's and my Fringe fanon, refer to Peter Bishop's biography. Her unit works alongside Broyles' in the beginning of Fringe and cooperates with Massive Dynamic even with prior emotional and ethical differences. I follow the main storyline of the show but might have some divergent ideas about the Observers.

STAR WARS. The Great Scourge of Malachor becomes a legend, a heroic battle in which the Jedi achieved a monumental victory over the Sith. But the temple of Malachor was built by slaves, women and men and children forced to pour blood into the construction and a war they never asked for. Moa Zhao, nameless then still, fought among them and died among them. A casualty that was doomed acceptable and erased from the myths. She was young, trying to protect those she had grown up with; much later, Darth Maul would have visions of the thousands of deaths at the hands of the Jedi. But for her, it never had been about them. She was given no break to digest her inability to die; the few Sith that survived, dragged her body out of the ruins and forced her back into slavery. She escaped decades later, broken, traumatised. When Anakin Skywalker is born in 41 BBY, she is roughly 3950 years old. Her immortality is no sign of force sensitivity; in actuality, she would have sworn off any usage of the force even if she were able to do so. She survives as a mercenary, never settling for one city or even a planet. Neither the Sith nor the Jedi can persuade her to swear loyalty to one side. She wants to see an end to this war, only then can she rest. Disclaimer: The majority of her skills in the main verse persist: she has superhuman speed, strength, eyesight, and agility, she is immortal and immune to disease, her healing duration is decreased, and she has a strong mind, making the mind trick a little more tedious but not impossible. She is not immune to the force and while she can wield a lightsaber (does not require force sensitivity, but is less effective usage-wise than a blaster for non-sensitive individuals), she has none in her possession.